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Why Christians Fail to Value Babies

Birthrates Implode in Christian Churches Too While the American birth rate dips under the 2.05 replacement level (only salvaged by immigrants who average 2.6), another 90 nations around the world are experiencing their own birth implosions. After 120 million dead babies in this country, thanks to abortion and the abortifacient birth control pill and birth implosions among many demographics (not to exclude evangelical Christians), it's about time to re-assess our values and ethics using biblical definitions.

A demographic winter is blowing in, so this may be the perfect time to take a look at our perspectives and attitudes towards children, babies, population growth, adoption, birth control, artificial insemination, surrogacy, and other important and related issues. Kevin Swanson interviews Douglas Phillips, president of Vision Forum, sponsor of an important conference scheduled for July of 2010.

 Visit Generations with Vision to hear more.


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