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Ever have one of those days (years!)?

As many of you have know, I have struggled with the ins and outs of running a home - making it perpetually organized and company ready. It's healthy but always cluttered to some level I do not like.

I prayed about it a lot, asking the Lord to guide me. I asked for wisdom and motivation, I asked for clarification, maybe some organization. As I grew more frustrated, I gave up, coming to the Lord I prayed " Help me Abba Father, I am broken. I cannot seem to be or do all that everyone else around me makes seem easy! I am laden with my own heavy ineptitude! Broken I come to you Lord, I life this burden to you and cry out for your help!". I began praying it more often, at every level of frustration, as I cleaned or organized. When I was tired and when I was busy.

What did the Lord just recently open my eyes to? I have discovered that I am not alone. A lot of momma's out there are having the exact same struggle I am having ever single day. MANY of us have the exact same struggles, frustrations and weak spots.

I found this picture under "housewife".
No wonder I struggle; I am not dressed ready
for a night on the town! I definitely do not
make my hair so perfect and where are MY
sparkles all around when *I* clean!
get this image at
I was blessed by an edifying conversation with a friend. She begrudgingly admitted that she too struggled and felt exactly as I do. She even let me into her home. She was very concerned. After-all, it was NOT "company ready clean". It wasn't the latest in home fashion, not fabulously accessorized or perfectly painted. Instead I was thrilled to see her home - Lived in with children. Real. Cluttered. and HAPPY.

I have talked to so many during my struggles and I have come to a theory. Perhaps we are SUPPOSED to live our lives a bit cluttered? Perhaps this is just another layer of the "Gilded Living" we all project. We are NOT all perfect, everything is not always alright, we usually don't have it all together, and we do need help.

My home is my home. My children are learning, love is thriving, we are fed, cleaned and having fun together. So I jump into the kiddie pool and swim for a 1/2 hour instead of scrubbing my base-boards.

So we make all of the crafts suggested in the History curriculum... but you know what. I think that is the point the Lord is leading me to. Rejoice in your home - company ready or not.


Erica said...

Thank you for this post. I struggle every day with the pressure of trying to get the house clean and organized to perfection and the guilt of not getting there. It is refreshing to know that there are others out there who aren't the so-called perfect housewife.

Diana S. said...

I am so happy that my struggles are helping others to beat the "perfection monsters"!

Thank you so much for your time and thoughts!

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