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Book Nook: As One Devil to Another

If you enjoyed the Screwtape letters book from CS Lewis, you are bound to love One Devil to Another!

In the tradition of the screw-tape letters, a demon Scardagger corresponds to a minor demon, Slashreap, directing him in the ways to lead his assigned woman astray.  The book takes us though the struggles of temptations, human nature, and the journey we all take spiritually, trying to follow in the Lord's will rather than the human flesh.

Personally, I found this book insightful. Rather than having the traditional lecture and informational setting, this book brings the struggles and temptations to life in a more personal, profound way. I found many times as I read along the correspondence those epiphanous, "ah ha" moments really connected for me.

Sometimes the text would drag in some places but overall, I found "One Devil to Another" to be a great book.

disclosure; I received a copy of this book for review from the publisher. However, my opinions are my own and are not at all swayed by provision from the publisher.
As One Devil to Another


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