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When I initially chose this I was really excited! I wanted something that could give me more time in the Word while exposing the message easily to the rest of the family. I was not disappointed!!!

Upon opening, I was really impressed with the packaging. The set comes with an outer sleeve and a beautifully matching CD zippered case. It has lasted a homeschooling family's journey in the car wonderfully: and that is saying something with two young boys under 6!

The CD's are a just a joy! The performances are not overdone, campy or over enhanced. The words are concise and easy to follow without straining to hear or understand. The actors do justice to the word with just one slight exception. Jim Caviezel (Jesus) often recites passages with almost a flat, monotonous manner. Often his lengthy passages grow flat or choppy - taking some of the joy out of the word or give your mind a chance to wander. However, that is not the whole time. There are a lot of passages that are moving and engrossing by his performance.

I have loved this compilation so much! I turn it on when we have errands that take up a great deal of our day. Being in the word this way really makes the Word of God come alive. Even my children listen! We often will rewind to discuss passages performed or to understand it further. I have been so surprised how our biblical adventure has grown and thrived by this delightful performance! HUGELY recommended!

I received this joyfully as a blogging reviewer but have not been paid to review. My opinions are my own, without reservation. ;)


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