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More FREE curriculum!!

I am so excited to share with you that Gravitas Publications is coming out with a new Astronomy 1 addition to their Real Science 4 Kids science curriculum and they are offering a sneak peak for FREE!

As I have shared before, I LOVE Real Science for many reasons, one prime reason is that you can download directly online and you can pay by chapter, allowing a budget to be spread out over time and the ability to shift subjects per semester or delight driven desires!

Anyway, I get their newsletter and saw this opportunity and jumped on it!  Immediately I thought that my blog would be a great place to share as well! Here are the details from my email..
Astronomy I is ready for print, and we just need the cover file. In the meantime you can still take a sneak preview. Take a peek here. Password: astronomyrocks
I assume this is a sneak peek with limited time and availability so I would hop over and check it out ASAP before they go to print. :)

Also cool (from their newsletter too)

Resource of the Month

Recorded live experiments for each experiment now in progress.  Here's one you might enjoy.

Level 1 Chemistry Experiment 2
watch video

 By the way, I do not receive anything from sharing my love of Real Science with you; no review copies, no freebies or the like (aside from what they share to the world). I just LOVE their books and I like to share! hehehe


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