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What have we been up to?

I have taken a bit of a hiatus from blogging lately; with the visit of my husband and subsequent offloading of, what seems, 2 million boxes, I have just been so overwhelmed lately!  Mom_Juggle_by_Mirz123
Our little rental is just that, little.  When unpacking I often will get into a box and have to go to place that already has items in it.  Then I have to pull the current items, organize and put away the new items, then find a NEW place for the previous occupants. Often times, there isn't a place to put the old items (that I still need). This means they go into boxes or piles to be put away after I move something again or until I get the racks purchased, put together and installed in the garage.  The result is chaos. I feel almost like one of those hoarders!! LOL  Don't get me wrong - we have purged to the quick before we moved and I am finding I can purge even more.  Eventually a garage sale will occur but again, those items return to a box for "later".  It's enough to drive me crazy.

We also have started a new schedule and a new curriculum!  whew!  So far, the schedule is working well and we are loving My Father's World 1st grade!  I will update on that later. For now, I have dishes calling.


Erica said...

Ugh, I hate trying to find spaces for everything. We moved last year. It's so hard to find the "new" places for things.

And don't feel bad about things in boxes, I have a huge pile of "give-away-or-garage-sale" boxes taking up loads of space in my basement.

Diana S. said...

Hurray! Thank you for commiserating with me! I am so glad I am not the only one with purge to somewhere boxes! LOL

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