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Renewing & Refreshing

I typically try to stay away from New Year Resolutions, mostly because it seems like I am resolving to have some more failure in my life LOL.  I now take the time to try to review for me what is working and what is not.

I also want to be on a more regular schedule with keep the house.  I tend to clean in waves which doesn't always work well if you get distracted from the regular schedule. (Plus if you swing by during a end of a wave, you will have some clutter to contend with.)  I am trying for a easy daily schedule, I can stay on top without being too thrown with a life interruption. Does anybody have a great weekly list they can share?

We were making headway with the budget but it all fell apart with Christmas buying, paying bills, and the two week paycheck omission and travel expenses from having dear husband back home for the Christmas break (and New Years this year!).

Break the budget to a savings powerhouse so we can feel comfortable with hubby moving away from San Diego headquarter job and to one closer to home, hopefully for good!  I am growing oh so weary of his out of town work. We call it deployment since he can be gone for months at a time.  I feel like a military wife but without any of the military perks!

This year I want to refocus on homeschooling - doing more than minimal and going further into library book use (as soon as the library goes state wide - yay!) and fun, hands-on learning.  I will also be adding spelling to my 2nd graders curriculum and hopefully some fun learning games as well.

I just discovered Math Blaster and Reader Rabbit for free online and the kids seem to enjoy it quite a bit as well. Of course, they do offer paid subscriptions with more benefits but for now, I think we will stick with the free. If it proves to be an enormous resource that is worth the subscriptions, then I will look into it further.

Begin to bring the youngest into a more steady school schedule with his handwriting and reading elements.

I would also like to find a co-op or a homeschooling family out there still. Karate is great and it does give us time with others in our community - I just want a bit more.

Well, those are my goals for the upcoming year... what are yours?


Erica said...

I've never been a big resolution person either. But when I think about it, I do have goals that I want to get done this year anyways, I just didn't think of them as "New Year's Resolutions".

A great site for housekeeping stuff is

She has a daily schedule list, that I really liked. Though I am still trying to get myself in the habit of doing it. It's nice to think of though!

So that is one of my goals, to do better with cleaning stuff, and we want to get rid of our debt this year. I also want to be more consistent doing "school" work like stuff, to get in a habit so it will be easier to start Kindergarten stuff later this year.

Sorry for this long winded comment! It's easy to "talk" with no one interrupting me!

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